Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Today's ABC Open photos

By golddustdays ·  · From Pic of the Week 

Published 06 Feb 2017.  Daylesford VIC 3460

   Wheres the Boat?  By Bruce Thompson Photography · The Surf Club Boat has just flipped in the rough seas.  Published 13 Feb 2017.  Currumbin QLD 4223

Blue claw yabbies
By emi_survivor ·  · From Pic of the Week    Published 07 Feb 2017.  Orange NSW 2800

It is just peachy having Monday off
By steve_outandabout ·  · From Pic of the Week
Hope these guys survive the heatwave.    Published 01 Feb 2017.  Monash ACT 2904

City buildings, old and newish, at dusk
By myrurallife ·  · From Pic of the Week

The Palace Hotel was built in 1897, now just the facade is left. The 50-storey office tower was built on the site in 1988.   Published 07 Feb 2017.  Perth WA 6000

Getting Lost in Karijini

By 80kphkombilife ·  · From Pic of the Week

Published 22 Nov 2016.  Juna Downs WA 6751

Monday, February 27, 2017

Today's ABC Open photos

Mr Punctatus Punctatus
By estebanthenatureman ·  · From Pic of the Week

And here is Mr Punctatus Punctatus collecting nesting material in Boranup Forest
 Published 27 Aug 2015.  Boyanup WA 6237

Wild flowers blooming at Mt Field
By redlan_designs ·  · From Pic of the Week

Wild flowers blooming at Mt Field             Published 06 Feb 2017.  Mount Field TAS 7140

Koala Whisperer
By cignet ·  · From Pic of the Week

My daughter had organised a children's birthday party in a small park across from her house, the evening before the grandsons phoned me and very excitedly told me that there was a koala in a tree across the road .It was still sleeping in a tree fork high up when the party started. Even with the noise of the party it did not move.
That suddenly changed as soon as the violin was played, there was movement in the tree and to our amazement the koala came right down, it looked like he was intently listening to the sounds of the violin and at the same time looking the musician in the eyes.  It was an absolutely magic moment and I am sure it will never be forgotten by anyone who attended the party. Next day the koala was gone!  Published 07 Feb 2017.  Woodcroft SA 5162

Take it easy
By photosbyemilydee ·  · From Pic of the Week
Published 06 Feb 2017.  Glengarry West VIC 3854

Australia Day weekend fishing on the Mitchell River
By Annette Hobbs ·  · From Pic of the Week   Published 30 Jan 2017.  Buchan VIC 3885

Morialta Falls
By Rhiannon Jones ·  · From Pic of the Week

After last night's rain, Morialta Falls was flowing.  
Published 06 Feb 2017. Woodforde SA 5072

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Today's ABC Open photos

8.00am. Riding through Boranup just me the trees & the birds
By estebanthenatureman ·  · From Pic of the Week

Published 27 Aug 2015.  Boranup WA 6286

By Barry Byrne ·  · From Pic of the Week
Kooloonbung Creek    Published 12 Dec 2016.  Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Brahminy take-off
By Sam Weir ·  · From Pic of the Week
                Beautifully marked juvenile Brahminy at Withnell Bay.  Published  03 Feb 2017         Burrup WA 6714


                       The Splendid Fairy Wrens                           By estebanthenatureman ·  · From Pic of the Week

The Splendid Fairy Wrens are seemingly a permanent fixture in our garden - they were out in force yesterday feasting on afternoon insects - and showing their young the ropes - not as small as the Hummingbirds - but they sure do pack a colour punch. 🤛Published 03 Feb 2017.  Burnside Heights VIC 3023


Make a wish
By Aaron Hawkins ·  · From Pic of the Week
There is magic in even the simplest of things
  Published 03 Feb 2017.  Dareton NSW 2717

Ancient stones of the Murujuga National Park   By destinedfeather ·  · From My Back Roads
Ancient stones of the Murujuga National Park (Burrup Peninsula) near Dampier, Western Australia. A beautiful and sacred National Heritage Listed area that holds the largest concentration of rock art in the world.   Published 06 Feb 2017. Burrup WA 6714

Friday, February 24, 2017

Today's ABC Open photos

The Pinnacle
By Rod Evans ·  · From Pic of the Week

This is the Pinnacle at Border Ranges National Park with Wollumbin (Mt Warning) in the background.    Published 29 Aug 2016.  Border Ranges NSW 2474

Dorroughby sunset
By Rod Evans ·  · From Pic of the Week

Quite often I drive past this herd of cows grazing in the paddock so yesterday I stopped and got me a happy snap.   Published 13 Dec 2016.  Dorroughby NSW 2480

Whistling Ducks

I was told these are called WHISTLING DUCKS ...... amazing unique Silver Feathers! Didn't hear them whistle!.  Published 03 Jan 2017.  Oxenford QLD 4210

Saint Peter, Springsure, Queensland.              By Nugget ·  · From My Back Roads
Saint Peter is part of the Minerva Hills formation, formed by volcanic activity between 29 an 26 million years ago. As the softer outer basalt and sandstone has eroded away, it has left the hard core, or plug of rhyolite and trachyte, resulting in these mysterious formations. Saint Peter is one of many plugs in the area, all different in appearance. Saint Peter is about 1 kilometre long, several hundred metres wide and rises to a flat summit, 330 metres high.  Published 03 Feb 2017.  Springsure QLD 4722

After the Rains
By Sam Weir ·  · From Pic of the Week
Sacred Kingfishers were out in force after the rains.
Published 03 Feb 2017.  Karratha WA 6714

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Muslim leader says violence against women a 'last resort' for men

By Liz Burke, Senior Reporter, news.com.au

President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Keysar Trad described beating women as “step three” in a process of dealing with issues in relationships, after counselling and buying chocolates or “taking her out on a dinner”.

The outspoken author and commentator made the remarks on conservative commentator Andrew Bolt’s Sky News program.

Asking how Islam could be considered a “feminist religion”, Mr Bolt quoted a modern interpretation of the Koran.

“It is permissible for him to beat her lightly with his hands, avoiding her face and other sensitive areas,” he read.

“Which is better than nothing, but mate, that’s a modern interpretation.”

Mr Trad responded saying he had studied the verse in detail, and said it was all about “human psychology”.

“What that verse is really putting as a scenario is if you come home and you’re really, really angry — we’ve seen many men act violently towards their women — what this verse is saying really is playing on the psychology of the man saying violence is a last resort,” he said.

“The first thing you must do is counselling ... Before you even consider using your hand, before you consider an act of violence, have you checked box number one, which is counselling, have you checked boxed number two?

 “So what does counselling entail? Maybe next time you should bring her a bunch of flowers, maybe next time you should bring her a box of chocolates, maybe next time you should take her out to dinner.”

Mr Bolt interjected: “And then beat her. If you still don’t see sense, beat her. That’s what that says. I’m reading the Koran.”

Mr Trad argued that what the text was saying was that “a good person would never get to that step because the first step would eliminate the problem”.

“When you sit down and talk about it and say I’ve become angry about something, I go to my wife and say what happens, I say I’m sorry I was wrong, I made the wrong assumption, so you never get to step three,” he said.

“This is the psychology.”

Mr Bolt said he hoped his guest’s interpretation of the verse “catches on”.

The televised discussion was following on from the stance taken by ABC identity Yassmin during her recent controversial Q&A appearance, claiming Islam was the “most feminist religion” citing the fact that Muslim women do not take their husband’s last names.

The Sudanese-Australian engineer, author, and television presenter’s comments have led to calls for her sacking, which the ABC has said it will disregard.

Mr Trad has previously come under scrutiny for advocating polygamy, saying he would like to have a second wife, permissible under sharia law, and that his current wife would be OK with it.

He has previously advocated for the legal recognition of aspects of sharia in Australia.