Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard were locked in a closed-door meeting yesterday, the result of which is plain to see as they later walked to a cabinet meeting. And things only got worse for the PM when a motion that the government scrap the Malaysian refugee swap was carried after key crossbench MP’s voted against it - the same motion that had already been rejected by the Senate.
Unfortunately for our first female PM, yesterday will go down in the history books as the first time in Australian political history that a government policy was condemned by both houses of Parliament. Although it won’t stop 800 asylum seekers from being sent to Malaysia, the Opposition and the Greens are saying the government is now acting against the Parliament.
It’s been almost 12 months since Julia Gillard was asked to put her hand on the knife that stabbed Kevin Rudd and now her approval rating is the same and getting worse every day. The back room boys told her she held the key to bringing Labor back on track and wonder what they are saying now. And can she hold her nerve?
Kevin Rudd, who has been undermining the PM at every turn, has not been invited to address fellow Labor members at tomorrow’s ALP Queensland Conference in his own electorate. And when the suggestion was made that Kevin could win back the leadership, faction bosses said that his support was the size of a “netball team".
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