Infigen Energy will be showing off their Capital Wind Farm today as part of international wind energy day. But could wind farms be bad for our health? Ruth Corrigan thinks so and says the noise disturbs her sleep. She will open her house to show the impact wind turbines have on rural communities. She can see 17 turbines to the northwest and another 17 to the southwest of her property, the closest of which is 2 km away. A further 22 turbines have been erected in the past few days and she is getting no help or co-operation from the companies involved. They have put noise monitoring equipment into the paddock "But we have not been able to get any data from them” she said.
She lives near Capital Wind Farm which has 67 turbines, near Bungendore, just outside of Canberra. There is a Senate committee looking at the health effects of wind farms which should have been tabled to parliament yesterday but they are split and can't agree.
The National Health and Medical Research Council says “There is no published scientific evidence to positively link wind turbines with health effects.” But medical expert Max Whisson believes the world is “likely to face a very serious plethora of fatal diseases as a result of current wind farm operation. He went on “We have all been disastrously misled by focusing on noise” Dr Whisson said “This has let laboratories around the world to completely miss the catastrophic effects of lower frequency vibration.”
Have you noticed that people pushing wind farm technology don’t live in the country, they are safely tucked away in city suburbs? Maybe they should pay a visit Ruth Corrigan and just see what it’s all about.
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