But he got very personal when he took a swipe at the Prime Minister's atheism and unmarried status during the party-room meeting on Tuesday and again at the protest meeting. Ms Gillard said he is a disgusting and revolting individual who associated himself with extremism and gross sexism. ''For going out to a rally and associating himself with One Nation, with the League of Rights, with anti-Semitic groups and with grossly sexist signs" she said.
''We have seen real Julia, we have seen fake Julia, we have seen wooden Julia, we have seen teary Julia, we have seen all the way with LBJ Julia, we have seen Bible expert Julia, we have seen George Washington 'I will never tell a lie' Julia. The fact is: the one thing we have never seen is a truthful Julia,'' Abbott said. ''Today, we saw precious Julia, very precious Julia, complaining about a few nasty placards.''
The frustrated Speaker, Harry Jenkins is having to constantly intervene and remove members from chamber. He said "I'm happy for you to have a robust debate, but to carry on the way the House carries on is ridiculous". No doubt they are all be looking forward to their upcoming six weeks break.
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