The confirmed death toll from the quake stood at 113 last night but there are still many missing.
The confirmed death toll from the quake stood at 113 last night but there are still many missing.
He urged the UN Security Council to administer similar sanctions and said our Government had to take action to show Australia's support for the people of Libya.
President Obama has called for Gaddafi to step down after being criticized for being slow to respond, German Angela Merkel said he needs to go but China still hasn't said anything. News coming out of Libya is unconfirmed and no one really knows what's going on.
He lost his seat in Parliament in 2007 and says that the Gillard government has left it "stagnant", allowing dysfunction to grow. "Because it wasn't the Labor Party's policy, they just adopted it for political reasons. They failed to take it to the next level. It has become stagnant and buried in bureaucracy, it is no longer working."
This proposal was first put forward by Adam Giles, member for the Territory seat of Braitling, which takes in parts of Alice Springs. He said his plan was to get people to move where there was economic opportunity rather than perpetuating the "myth" that economies could be created where there were no real job opportunities.
The Northern Territory intervention cost $1.2bn over three years and involves 73 remote communities. Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin said this week tackling the situation in Alice Springs was at the top of her priority list.
Last night, Christchurch police superintendent Dave Cliff said authorities had not given up on finding anyone alive at the CTV building, rather they had been forced to prioritise the sites where it was most likely that people could have survived.
But we've got to be sure.
When asked how he was supporting his son he said 'With prayer. We lift him up and we ask everyone who cares about him to lift him up, and lift up all those who are in the grip of drug and alcohol abuse, because they are looking for transcendence.'
Australia and New Zealand are good mates and always will be. We share a history of brothers-in-arms in war and we laugh at the way they say 'fersh and cherps". But there is another major difference - while we have been riding high on the demand for our resources from China and India, the Kiwis have been weighed down by high debt and yesterday's earthquake is only going to make matters worse.
Apart from the move in debt markets, the country's currency was hit hard, falling to US75.05c, from US76.04 yesterday. This earthquake could be much worse than last year's quake, which cost an estimated $US3.8 billion in repairs.
Moody's has a Aaa rating on the country with a stable outlook and Fitch has an AA+ rating. Fitch's head of Asia Pacific sovereign debt Andrew Colquhoun said "The ratings are on negative outlook already, which is driven by that economy's imbalances."
Today the University of Western Sydney released the results of a survey they did about our attitudes to Multiculturalism and it appears that the Muslim populations pose a threat in the minds of many Australians. New South Wales reported the highest levels of anti-Muslim attitudes (54.4 per cent) and in Sydney's central west, it ran as high as 60 and 61 per cent.
These findings serious challenge Immigration Minister Chris Bowen's boasting last month that Australia's multiculturalism is the best in the world.
A group of hackers acting under the banner, "Anonymous," has warned the Westboro Baptist Church to stop their anti-gay protests or else "the damage incurred will be irreversible and neither their institution or their congregation will ever be able to fully recover". Rev Fred Phelps and his followers are famous for turning up at funerals of servicemen saying it's God's punishment on America.
In its letter, Anonymous wrote the following:
These same people from Anonymous recently got into the computer system of a security firm and posted thousands of documents describing plans to attack WikiLeaks, the Bank of America and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. But somehow I don't think the threat will stop these insane religious zealots.We, the collective super-consciousness known as ANONYMOUS - the Voice of Free Speech & the Advocate of the People - have long heard you issue your venomous statements of hatred, and we have witnessed your flagrant and absurd displays of inimitable bigotry and intolerant fanaticism. We have always regarded you and your ilk as an assembly of graceless sociopaths and maniacal chauvinists & religious zealots, however benign, who act out for the sake of attention & in the name of religion.
Being such aggressive proponents for the Freedom of Speech & Freedom of Information as we are, we have hitherto allowed you to continue preaching your benighted gospel of hatred and your theatrical exhibitions of, not only your fascist views, but your utter lack of Christ-like attributes. You have condemned the men and women who serve, fight, and perish in the armed forces of your nation; you have prayed for and celebrated the deaths of young children, who are without fault; you have stood outside the United States National Holocaust Museum, condemning the men, women, and children who, despite their innocence, were annihilated by a tyrannical embodiment of fascism and unsubstantiated repugnance. Rather than allowing the deceased some degree of peace and respect, you instead choose to torment, harass, and assault those who grieve.
Your demonstrations and your unrelenting cascade of disparaging slurs, unfounded judgments, and prejudicial innuendos, which apparently apply to every individual numbered amongst the race of Man - except for yourselves - has frequently crossed the line which separates Freedom of Speech from deliberately utilizing the same tactics and methods of intimidation and mental & emotional abuse that have been previously exploited and employed by tyrants and dictators, fascists and terrorist organizations throughout history.
ANONYMOUS cannot abide this behavior any longer. The time for us to be idle spectators in your inhumane treatment of fellow Man has reached its apex, and we shall now be moved to action. Thus, we give you a warning: Cease & desist your protest campaign in the year 2011, return to your homes in Kansas, & close your public Web sites. Should you ignore this warning, you will meet with the vicious retaliatory arm of ANONYMOUS: We will target your public Websites, and the propaganda & detestable doctrine that you promote will be eradicated; the damage incurred will be irreversible, and neither your institution nor your congregation will ever be able to fully recover. It is in your best interest to comply now, while the option to do so is still being offered, because we will not relent until you cease the conduction & promotion of all your bigoted operations & doctrines. The warning has been given. What happens from here shall be determined by you.
He's from Auburn in Sydney's west, the heartland of migrant Australia where education standards are poor and unemployment is high. Three years ago, Mohamad's brother Mustafa, a youth worker, was murdered in a drive-by shooting late at night, not an uncommon occurrence in Sydney these days, it's getting more like old Chicago every day.
Paul Howes, national secretary of the Australian Workers Union says that monkeys could do a better job of managing Rio Tinto. He accuses Rio’s Chief Executive Tom Albanese of “sucking out the blood, sweat and tears of blue-collar workers”
At the union’s national conference at the Gold Coast, he told delegates that he had a message for Rio Tinto – “You don’t own this government and you don’t own this country anymore, your workforce has the right to be represented. You cannot hide behind your slimy, grubby mates in the Coalition because we’re coming after you. We are going to take Rio Tinto on and we are going to make sure that they pay a liveable wage to the workers who make the wealth that these shiny arses sitting in the boardroom in London enjoy”. Wow, tell us what you really think Paul.
Delegates endorsed plans to try to unionise every section of the aluminium and glass industries, with Rio operations in Launceston and Gladstone targeted. He also nominated BHP Billiton's Worsley Alumina refinery and its Olympic Dam project.
Last year an anti-mining tax campaign war was waged by Rio, BHP and Xstrata against Wayne Swan and Kevin Rudd and Howe's union was a strong backer of the government’s 40 per cent super profits tax which cost Kevin Rudd his job. Wayne Swan gave a speech at the conference, singing the praises of the oldest union in Australia, but left before Howes made his threatening comments.
Rio was the first major mining company to place its workforce on individual contracts and refused to deal with unions and they say this has resulted in 15 years of strike free harmony at its Pilbara sites. But it seems that the union shot itself in the foot when workers at the Rober River iron ore site went on strike in the mid 1980s because some flavours of ice-cream were not available in the canteen.
A Rio spokesman said the company "recognises every employee's right to choose to join a union or not join a union" and went on "We do not monitor the level of union membership in our businesses," He said unions had failed to lift membership because employees were highly paid and had high safety standards in their workplace: "Employers have worked hard to ensure employees are safe at work and well remunerated."
Mr Howes said the AWU was growing fast and has recruited an extra 30,000 members over the past three years.
How can one man be worth $US70 billion - it’s obscene - that makes him richer than Bill Gates! It's times like this that I hate the Swiss and their secret banking system because that’s where he’s got most of it stashed. And then of course there’s the real estate all around the world. His wife and two sons were also able to accumulate great wealth through business deals with foreigners. Now the Egyptian press are looking into the hidden wealth of Mubarak's allies.
Five hated cronies of Mubarak have each amassed personal fortunes and three of them, former Cabinet ministers, tried to to get out of the country over the weekend but were denied permission. Protesters have cited government corruption as a reason they demanded Mubarak step down. His family wealth dates back to when he was an air force officer and in a position to benefit from corporate corruption on military contracts, mainly through business partnerships with foreign investors. It’s thought that most of Mubarak’s assets are in UK and Swiss banks which is the pattern of other middle eastern dictators to make sure their wealth won’t be taken during a transition.
Meanwhile Cairo cemented its relationship with Egypt’s civil service yesterday – they announced a 15 per cent pay rise for six million government workers.
Private Bradley Manning surely didn’t think about the consequences of what he was doing when he stole 250,000 classified US documents. Now his supporters have told the ABC’s Four Corners the US government is pressuring him to implicate WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Now we find out that there was heated debate within WikiLeaks regarding the dire consequences it would have for Manning – they knew full well what would happen to him. He was betrayed by former computer hacker Adrian Lamo who befriended the young private. Boston researcher David House is a member of Manning's legal advocacy team and is concerned for his health. His conditions at the Quantico military brig outside Washington are deplorable and his state of mind has deteriorated so badly over time that he believes he must be undergoing torture.
Former WikiLeaks insider Daniel Domscheit-Berg is portraying himself as the voice of reason and told the Four Corners program he was "devastated" at the news of Manning's arrest and questioned the decision to release the cables in the first place. "If the cables had not been published, there would've been no proof that anyone had given the material to a different entity," Mr Domscheit-Berg said. "So from my perspective, what should have happened with these cables, for the sake of Bradley Manning, would have been to just keep them back as long as possible until you find out what is happening with him before you publish them”.
Domscheit-Berg went on "All this hype about WikiLeaks and Julian's problems in Sweden, what are these problems compared to the trouble this private is in?" He said that Manning was one of the greatest heroes for freedom of information of our time. "Everyone should be talking about Manning and not about Julian's trouble in Sweden or in Great Britain or wherever."
Assange maintains WikiLeaks does not know the identity of it sources. They have so far donated $15,000 to Manning's legal defence, but Assange would not comment on what the organisation was doing now to support Manning.
Must see - Four Corners tonight 8.30 ABC1
Israel is breathing a sigh of relief after the Egyptian military said they would honour their peace treaty. Naturally, they were worried that if Islamic militants took control, they would overturn their 1979 treaty. The military relaxed a night-time curfew today and banned current and ex-government officials from travelling abroad without permission in its first move since taking power.
So far, so good..
The Brotherhood admitted that it had little chance of taking the lead in a future government. "We couldn't dominate this movement even if we wanted to," Mr el-Mursi said. "The Muslim Brotherhood does not seek power. We will not put forward a candidate for the presidency." He added, however, that they would participate in a future parliament.
Aware that they are feared by the West, the Brotherhood stressed yesterday that they wanted a secular, democratic Egypt, rather than one dominated by Sharia, or Islamic law. Analysts believe that the Brotherhood could muster about 25 per cent of the vote in immediate elections, but note that the share could drop as long-suppressed secular parties gain ground.