Yesterday disgraced former judge Marcus Einfeld pleaded guilty to perjury and intending to pervert the course of justice all because he refused to pay a $77 speeding fine.
He swore on oath that an American woman, Professor Teresa Brennan had been driving his car. If it wasn’t for a diligent journalist from the Daily Telegraph, his lie might never have been discovered but after a quick check on Google, it turned out that Professor Brennan had died three years earlier. When confronted with this fact he then had the gall to insist it was “another Professor Brennan”.
And so began the decline of one of our most senior judges which ended in disgrace yesterday. After seeing the overwhelming evidence of his guilt, he finally owned up to his lies. The charges carry a maximum penalty of 10 and 14 years but he will keep his $184,200 annual pension.
This arrogant man made a point of insisting his full title should be appended to all correspondence: The Honourable Marcus R Einfeld, AO, QC, PhD. His PhD was “awarded” by an American institution of less-than-lofty academic renown in return for the sum of $US2500.
The executive of the NSW Bar Association is holding an urgent meeting next week and hopefully they will ask the Supreme Court to strike him off the roll of barristers and recommend the Attorney-General strip him of his title of Queens Counsel.
Yesterday his lawyer revealed that Mr Einfeld was suffering from prostate cancer but frankly we, the public, couldn’t care less and now we wait with bated breath to find out what his punishment will be.
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